Thursday, December 1, 2011

Supplies Needed for Washington, GB (Washington, DC in Gingerbread)

We are looking for donations of graham crackers, cookies, pretzels, candy, etc.  to construct the various monuments and buildings in Washington D.C.  A note about this went home earlier this week.  Thank you to the parents that have already sent in donations!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Room 119 Fills Marble Jar!

On Monday, the students will enjoy the reward that they voted on, Camp-Read-a-lot pajama day.  The students will have a day full of fun reading activities.  They can wear their pjs and bring lots of good books to read.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Important Upcoming Dates!

dates to remember...

Tuesday, November 15th- Classroom Visit to Bookfair
Tuesday, November 22nd- 4th Gr. Thanksgiving Celebration