Social Studies

Information about the major landforms located in the United States.
United States Landforms

Information about the different regions of the United States
US Region Maps and Information

Fun Game to practice location of continents and oceans- beat your time!
Game for continents

Continents and Oceans Game
Review Quiz

Great resource for information about landforms:

Great website that will show you photographs of a bunch of landforms:
Landform site with photographs

Excellent information about the United States with links for specific information on each state.
National Geographic United States

Test your ability to place on a map all of the 50 states
Know Your States

Website with information on each of the 50 US states:
50 States

Game for locating the 50 states:
50 States Game

Place the states on the map- choose easy or hard.
Know Your States!

Washington, DC
Brain Pop- Branches of Government
Brain Pop

Great Facts about the famous sites

Fact Monster

Wonderful pictures and lots of information
Washington museums and attractions
DC Cool Kids

Wonderful Scholastic website that gives a tour of Ellis Island, interviews with immigrations, and more.
Immigration Information

History of the Cape Cod Canal
Fun interactive games to help you learn about the history of the canal.
Cape Cod Canal