Friday, May 25, 2012

Bike Trip on Friday, June 1st!

Our bike trip is quickly approaching!  There is a final notice going home on Tuesday (look for it printed on pink paper) that will give all of the final details on this exciting day.  We are hoping for good weather, as there will not be opportunity to have a rain date.  Bikes should be dropped off at school either by 4 pm on Thursday, May 31 or by 9 am on the morning of the bike trip, June 1st.  We are still waiting for a few CORIs to be approved.  So, please make sure to check with Bridget in the office or the VIPS office to ensure that you have an approved CORI.  It is district policy that only chaperones with an approved CORI can attend field trips.  On the day of the trip, please remember the students need a backpack, a bagged lunch, plenty of water, and sunscreen.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

East Falmouth Bike to School Day

Click on the following link to see a video slideshow of our bike to school day!  Thank you to Lisa Hart for putting this together.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Look who visited our class today!

This hawk sat outside our classroom for a good part of the morning today.  It went between the playground and a nearby tree.  The students loved watching it!