Thursday, November 13, 2014

Novemeber Newsletter

My Wish in 4th Grade!
      News from the class of Mrs. Mele & Mrs. Karl
November 6, 2014


What We Are Learning
Reading: The students have been reading many engaging texts that we have been looking at closely.  Most recently, the students have read about the newest craze of Minecraft and also the history of Legos.  Ask your child to tell you about the interesting connection between the two.   
Writing: Judith Viorst’s poem “If I Were in Charge of the World” was a mentor text for our latest piece of writing.  Students had the opportunity to imagine a world where they were in charge.
Math:  Students are working hard on multiplication and division unit.  We really encourage the kids to persevere and not give up.  We remind the students that even though the math is hard, they can do it!  Keep studying those math facts!

Friday, November 7th
Honor Tree
Tuesday, November 11th
Veteran’s Day- No School
Thursday, November 13th  
Young People’s Concert Field Trip
Fresh Market 3:45-4:45
November 17th-   21st
Book Fair
Thursday, November 20th
Most Thankful Tea 11:30
Please join us!
November 26th-   28th
No School- Thanksgiving

Congratulations, Conner, on being voted our class PeaceBuilder for the month of October. 
The PeaceBuilder principle of the month for November is “Help Others”.