Friday, January 16, 2015

January Newsletter

   What We Are Learning
Reading: Students have finished the novel, Tuck Everlasting.  They have been exploring the theme of the text.  Now, the students are acting as journalist to write newspaper articles from the fictional setting in the book, Treegap.
Technology: Did you know that students have an extra class this year to learn about new technology and help integrate it into the classroom?  We are using the new Chromebooks in our school to write our Treegap articles! 
Writing: Finally we received our first letters from our Guatemalan pen pals!  The students were very excited to receive them. They are writing their responses, and will include a postcard of Cape Cod on the back.
Math:  We are finishing up a chapter on data and probability.  This unit leads us nicely into the next chapter on fractions.  This will be a rigorous chapter with many new concepts.  Encourage your child to persevere.  If you stay positive so will she/he!

Moday, January 19th 
Martin Luther King Day
No School

January 26-30th
EFES Great Kindness Challenge

Congratulations, Alexis, for being voted our PeaceBuilder of the month in December!  The PeaceBuilder principle of the month for January is “Give Up Put Downs”. 

We are learning together about the new PARCC assessment, which will replace MCAS this year.  Soon, we will start giving the students sample problems from the PARCC as both homework and classwork.  This will help students become familiar with the format of the test.  They will take the PARCC in March and May.