Thursday, February 12, 2015

February Newsletter

 My Wish in 4th Grade!
      News from the class of Mrs. Mele & Mrs. Karl
February 10, 2015

   What We Are Learning
Reading: Students have been learning about historical events by examining information from multiple sources.  For example, when learning about the Great Chicago Fire, students watched a video, read excerpts from a book, and examined information on a website.  In this way, we are encouraging students to study a topic from different perspectives.
Science: Students are studying simple machines.  They are learning how simple machines make our lives easier.  You can support your child’s learning by challenging him or her to find simple machines used at home.   
Writing: Our work in reading is carrying over into our writing block.  Students are practicing writing responses that include text evidence from more than one source.  This is a very sophisticated writing skill, and one that students will have to use on the PARCC test. 
Math:  Students have begun a unit on fractions.  We continue to encourage the kids to persevere and not give up, especially on multi-step word problems.  Please help your child to see fractions in their daily lives.  Seeing real-world examples can help make fractions more accessible for kids.  

     February Birthdays

Happy Birthday Caroline!

Tuesday, February 10th
Author Janell Burley Hoffman’s
iRules presentation at FHS
7:00 PM

Friday, February 13th
Our Valentine’s Day cookie decorating party

Monday Feb. 16th-Friday Feb. 20th
February vacation

Monday, February 23rd
Students return from February vacation

The PeaceBuilder principle of the month for February is “Give Up Put Downs.” 

PARCC Update
The tentative PARCC testing dates have our students taking the ELA portion of the exam during the week of March 23rd and the math portion of the test during the week of April 7th

We hope you all have a wonderful February break!