Monday, April 13, 2015

April Newsletter

My Wish in 4th Grade!
      News from the class of Mrs. Mele & Mrs. Karl
    April 14, 2015

What We Are Learning
Reading: The students have been using a helpful strategy to remember all of the information that they need when responding to open-ended questions about text.  It is an acronym called METAL- Main idea, Examples, Text Evidence, Analysis, and Link.  The students are doing a great job with this strategy that they will continue to use next year in 5th grade.
Math:  We have moved into our next chapter in math on decimals.  Even though the chapter on fractions was a rigorous one, the students have shown how much progress that they made in their understanding of fractional numbers, with their smooth transition into this chapter on decimals.  They have shown impressive improvement in their work and attitude!  At home, remember to relate decimals to money.
Weekly Work Folder: Remember that graded papers, classwork/homework, and other important notices go home each week on Thursday in the weekly work folder.  Please sign and return the folder, the very next day, each Friday!

April Birthdays

Happy Birthday Bethany!

Wednesday, April 15th
Weather Day at Fenway Park

Friday, April 17th
Community Meeting 9:30

Monday, April 20th - Friday April 24th
April Vacation

Wednesday, April 29th
Mother/Daughter Tea 6pm

Congratulations to Sarah, our Peacebuilder for the month of March.

PARCC Update
Congratulations on completing the first two rounds of PARCC testing!  In May, we will complete the end of year assessments for ELA and math.

We hope everyone has a fun, restful, and sunny April vacation!