Friday, May 1, 2015

May Newsletter

News from the class of Mrs. Mele & Mrs. Karl
May 1, 2015 

What We Are Learning
Reading: We are continuing to focus on using the METAL organizer when responding to questions about text.  The students are making impressive progress!  We will be reading many books about immigration, connecting with our Social Studies unit on immigration.  The students will be researching how people around the world came to America.  This research will be used to write a play.
Math:  We finished our study of decimals, and students will now apply their knowledge to practice adding and subtracting decimals.  We will also be studying angle measurement, area, and perimeter.  Look around your home and see if your child can identify acute, right and obtuse angles.  Also, can they identify the area and perimeter of a room in your home?
Social Studies: We are beginning our study of immigration.  This would be a great time to share your family ancestry with your child.  Please let us know if you would like to share your family’s history or story of immigration with our class.  We would love to have some guest speakers!

May Birthday!
Happy Birthday Mercy!

Thursday, May 7th
Fresh Market 3:45-5

Monday- Wednesday, May 11th 13th
PARCC End of Year Assessments

Friday, May 15th
Bike to School Day

Monday, May 25th
Memorial Day- No School

Tuesday, May 26th
Visit Cape Cod Canal (Visitor’s Center)

Wednesday, May 27th
 Chorus Concert 6:30 (Before school group)

The PeaceBuilder principle of the month for May is “Notice hurts and Right wrongs.”

Congratulations to Bethany!  She is our Peacebuilder for the month of April.

PARCC Update
This month we will complete the end of year assessments for ELA and Math.  Math is on May 11-12 and ELA is on May 13.

Some pictures from our trip to Red Sox trip...