Thursday, June 4, 2015

June Newsletter

My Wish in 4th Grade! 
News from the class of Mrs. Mele & Mrs. Karl
June Newsletter

What We Are Learning
Reading, Writing, and Social Studies: The kids have been immersed in an interdisciplinary unit on immigration. They have become quite the experts! After reading informational texts and chapter books, watching videos, and researching their own ancestry, the kids are now working on writing a class play about immigration.  They are creating their own characters and making decisions about the plot and setting.  We will be sending out an invitation to come watch the performance shortly.  We hope to see you all there!
Math:  We recently finished units on angles and parallel and perpendicular lines.  Next, students will be exploring squares and rectangles.  They will extend their understanding of angles and lines to find unknown angle measures and side lengths of squares and rectangles.  We will then move on to solving problems involving the area and perimeter of squares and rectangles. Please help your child to see squares and rectangles in their daily lives.  Seeing real-world examples can help bring math concepts to life. 
June & Summer Birthdays
Happy Birthday Alexis, Conner, Elizabeth, Adrien, Cole, & Cooper!


Tuesday, June 2nd 6-7:30pm
Morse Pond Parent Orientation

Sunday, June 7th 
une Jog

Friday, June 12th
Field Day

Tuesday, June 16th
Falmouth Commodores Night

Wednesday, June 17th
Grade 4 Graduation

Friday, June 19th
Grade 4 Bike Trip

Wednesday, June 24th  
Last day of school (1/2 day)

Congratulations, Skylar, on being voted our class PeaceBuilder for the month of May.  Be proud!

Morse Pond Parent Orientation  
Tuesday, June 2, from 6- 7:30 pm, Morse Pond School will be offering a Parent/Guardian Orientation.  Tour the school, learn about the programs, and meet some of the staff at the school that your child will attend next year!