Friday, December 9, 2016

Try Everything in 4th Grade!
      News from the class of Mrs. Mele & Mrs. Karl

    December 5, 2016
What We Are Learning
Reading/Social Studies: We have started our unit on Washington, D.C.  Students are reading a story titled, “So You Want to Be President?”. They also took a virtual tour of our nation’s capital using a Kids Discover app.  As a culminating activity, students will construct gingerbread houses based on major landmarks, monuments, or memorials in Washington, D.C.
Writing: We enjoyed and appreciated seeing so many of you at our “Most Thankful Tea”!  The students were very excited to share their writing with you.  Students are now researching a landmark in Washington, D.C. and will be writing an informational pamphlet about it. Ask your child which landmark he/she is studying!
Math:  Students are using different strategies to complete long division problems.  This is a difficult skill to master for our 4th graders, and we encourage the kids to persevere and not give up. We remind the students that even though the math is hard, they can do it!  Keep studying those math facts!

December Birthdays

Happy Birthday Yandra!  

Tuesday, December 6th
Early Release

Wednesday, December 14th 
All Kids Craft Fair

Friday, December 16th
Report cards sent home

Thursday, December 22nd  
Washington, D.C. gingerbread
houses on display

Tuesday, January 3rd   
Students return from winter break

The PeaceBuilder principle of the month for December is “Help Others”.  

We Need Your Help!
We will need many donations to make our gingerbread project a success.  Please keep an eye out for an email detailing how to help.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

November Newsletter

Try Everything in 4th Grade! 

News from the class of Mrs. Mele & Mrs. Karl November 7, 2016 

What We Are Learning Reading: 
Most recently, students performed the play, “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.” This tale of the headless horseman was the perfect text during Halloween week. The kids had a fun time making inferences about what happened at the end of the story. Writing: Students had a wonderful time sharing their spooky stories last week. Students are now working on using a model text to help them write descriptions of what they are most thankful for. Math: The kids are working hard on longer multiplication and division. We slow down our pace while working on these concepts, as they are rather difficult and take repeated practice to master. Please continue to help your child learn his/her math facts. The more fluent kids are with basic math facts, the easier these problems become. 

Please mark your calendars! We will be having a “Most Thankful Tea” on Thursday, November 17th from 11:45- 12:30 in our classroom. The kids are excited to share their writing with you. More details to come!

Important Dates 
Thursday, November 10th Honor Tree Ceremony Friday,
November 11th Veteran’s Day-no school Wednesday, 
November 16th 4 th Grade Young People’s Concert field trip 
Thursday, November 17th Picture Retakes *We will do our class picture on this day* Thursday, November 17th “Most Thankful Tea” from 11:45-12:30 November 23-25 Thanksgiving break 

We will be attending a performance by the Cape Cod Symphony Orchestra next Wednesday. Students will return to EF in time for lunch. Chaperones are not needed for this trip.  

Pictures from our Most Thankful Writing Celebration!

Friday, May 13, 2016

May Newsletter

My Wish in 4th Grade!
      News from the class of Mrs. Mele & Mrs. Karl
May 12, 2016

What We Are Learning
Reading: We are continuing to focus on using the METAL organizer when responding to questions about text.  The students are making impressive progress!  We have also been working on reading and writing poetry.  Students have learned that poems have many layers.  Although they can be short in length, they are often deep in meaning.
Math:  We finished our study of decimals.  Next, the students will investigate angle measurement, area, and perimeter.  Look around your home and see if your child can identify acute, right and obtuse angles.  Also, can they identify the area and perimeter of a room in your home?  What would you measure using area?  (A rug or wall space.)  What would you measure using perimeter?  (A fence or floor trim.) 
Social Studies: Starting next week, we will have weekly lessons with a local business owner, Ted Burt.  This is part of the Junior Achievement program that will educate the students on how economy and businesses work in our community. 

                          May- August Birthdays

Happy Birthday Emmett, Avery, Christian, Evan, Tommy Bushy, and Jemoy!

Wednesday, May 18th
Girls Spring Tea 6pm

Monday- Thursday, May 23rd -26th
PARCC Math Assessments

Monday, May 30th
Memorial Day- No School

Wednesday, June 1st  
Visit Morse Pond (with class during school)
EF Dance Recital
PTO Meeting 6:30pm

Wednesday, June 8th
Band/ Before School Chorus Concert 7pm

Friday, June 10th
 Field Day

Wednesday, June 15th
 Grade 4 Graduation 6pm

Friday, June 17th
 Bike Trip- See notice

Congratulation to Emilee!  She was our PeaceBuilder of the month for the month of April.