Wednesday, January 6, 2016

January Newsletter

Count on Me in 4th Grade!
      News from the class of Mrs. Mele & Mrs. Karl
    January 5, 2016

What We Are Learning
Reading: Students are enjoying the novel, Tuck Everlasting.  They are exploring the theme of the book: Why would or wouldn’t someone want to live forever?  If you can, read the novel yourself and discuss it with your child.
Science: We have begun a unit on animal adaptations.  As a culminating activity, students will be designing a new species of birds that is adapted to a particular habitat.    
Writing: The kids have been working on a New Year’s project.  They have been reflecting on 2015 and setting goals for 2016. 
Math:  Students have been learning how to find the mean, average, median, mode, and range of a set of data.  Shortly, we will begin our unit on FRACTIONS.  This is a challenging chapter for most kids, and we encourage all of them to persevere and not give up.  At home, please look for ways to incorporate fractions into daily conversations with your kids.  For example, if your child eats two pieces of pizza, ask him/her what fraction of the pizza he/she ate.  Keep studying those math facts!

Wednesday, January 6th
PTO meeting at 6:30

Thursday, January 7th
Fresh Market

Tuesday, January 12th
Early Release

Monday, January 18th 
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

News to Share
Mrs. Karl is expecting a baby boy on May 18th!  While out on maternity leave, Mrs. Mele will work full time.  We anticipate this being a smooth transition for the kids. 

January Peacebuilder
Congratulations to Anna Bennett! 
January Birthdays

        Happy Birthday Gabe!