Thursday, February 4, 2016

February Newsletter

My Wish in 4th Grade!
      News from the class of Mrs. Mele & Mrs. Karl
February 3, 2016

What We Are Learning
Reading: Students examined some sophisticated themes and thematic statements while reading the book, Tuck Everlasting.  As a culminating project for our study of the book, students will either write a newspaper article or write a letter from the perspective of the main character, Winnie.
Science: During the month of February, we will be working on science projects.  Please look for an email giving you detailed information on the East Falmouth 4th Grade Science Fair, as well as the town-wide Science Fair.  
Writing: Using an acronym can help children to remember important information.  Students have been using a “M-E-T-A-L” organizer to help them plan their writing for Evidence Based Responses (EBRs).  Students will be using this METAL organizer moving forward at Morse Pond School. 
Math:  Students have begun a unit on fractions.  We continue to encourage the kids to persevere and not give up, especially on multi-step word problems.  Please help your child to see fractions in their daily lives.  Seeing real-world examples can help make fractions more accessible for kids. 

February Birthdays

Happy Birthday Jocelyn!

Wednesday, February 3rd
FPS Budget Meeting at 5:30 PM
EF PTO Meeting at 6:30 PM
*Both being held at Mullen Hall*

Thursday, February 4th
Fresh Market at 3:45

Friday, February 12th
Our Valentine’s Day cookie decorating party

Monday Feb. 15th-Friday Feb. 19th
February vacation

Monday, February 22nd
Students return from February vacation

Friday, February 26th
East Falmouth 4th Grade Science Fair

Saturday, February 27th
FPS Science & Engineering Fair
FHS Field House

The PeaceBuilder principle of the month for February is “Seek Wise People.”

PARCC Update
The PARCC testing dates all fall within the month of May.  Please avoid planning any vacations during this month.