Monday, September 24, 2012

Off to a great start!

Can you believe it's already our fourth week of school?  The students are off to a great start and the class is settling into routines that will help them learn more easily and become organized.

On Thursday, the first Thursday was sent home.  I am still waiting for a few folders to be returned.  There are also a few Alphasmart permission slips that need to be returned.  If you could send in donations of AA batteries for the Alphasmart, it will help to ensure that they will stay powered this year!

This week we started Reading Street.  With the start of Reading Street, we have more predictable homework assignments.  A packet for the spelling homework is sent home each Monday.  The words and directions for each night's homework is on the first sheet.  Please have your child do the spelling homework each night.  It will help them learn the words more easily and put forth their best effort if they only do one spelling assignment each night. 

Look for the Family Times newletter each Monday.  It will give information on what we're learning in Reading Workshop that week.

Thank you for the wonderful turnout on Meet Your Teacher night.  It was wonderful to meet so many families!

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