Thursday, September 27, 2012

Thursday Folder

Reminder: The Thursday Folder will be sent home today.  Please look through your child's work, sign the folder, and sent it back to school tomorrow.  Below is a copy of the directions that were sent home in the folder last week.  Thank you for all your support at home!

        The “Thursday Folder” is a system for keeping your child’s completed/corrected work organized.  It is also a way of your child and you being updated weekly on your child’s progress and grades on assessments. 
        When you get the Thursday Folder, on most Thursdays, you should review the work with your child.  If anything reads “Please fix”, your child should fix his/her mistakes and return it like homework.  Please be sure to read through all the work and give your comments and feedback to your child, as well as what I’ve written.  Occasionally, if there is a short week or not much to return, we may skip a week.
After you’ve removed the work, please keep it at home.  Do not send any work back to school except corrections that have been made.  Then sign, date, and make a comment on the form inside the folder.  This is a way for me to be sure that you are seeing the work each week.  Finally, the folder should be returned to school on Friday.  Thank you for your support at home.

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